Bladder and Reproductive Organs Healing

Updated: December 28, 2024

This week health tip on self-healing from Qigong Master Chunyi Lin.

How To Heal Your Bladder and Reproductive Organs

Massaging your chin stimulates energy points that connect to your bladder and reproductive organs.

Bladder and Reproductive Organs Healing

Helps with:

  • Bladder infections
  • Reproductive organ problems
  • Menstrual period abnormalities
  • Testicle infections ( not STD’s )

How to do:

  • Place the tip of your middle finger on the “ditch” that forms between your lower lip and your chin
  • Massage by holding your finger on this spot and gently moving it in a circle 36 times in one direction, then in a circle 36 times the other direction.

For more health tips and self-healing techniques visit

Browse the Health Tips category  on my website to find other self-healing techniques in order to improve your health, strengthen immune system and your body for healthy joyful living.