Updated: December 18, 2024
Date: 2020-12-29 22:42:57
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Near-Death Studies: Out of Body Experiences, Precognition, Memory of Other Lifetimes, Remote viewing, Remote Healing, Extrasensory Perception and Immortality:
Conversation with Deepak Chopra & Dr. Janice Miner Holden
Bio: https://www.janholden.com/
After earning her Doctor of Education degree in Counselor Education in 1988, Dr. Janice Miner Holden served 31 years on the University of North Texas (UNT) Counseling Program faculty—12 of those years as chair of the Department of Counseling & Higher Education. In 2019 she retired as professor emerita. Dr. Holden’s primary research focus has been near-death experiences, after-death communication, and other transpersonal experiences—those that transcend the usual personal limits of space, time, and identity. In this research area she has over 50 refereed journal publications and over 100 national and international presentations. She served as lead editor of the 2009 Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation, and she co-edited the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling’s (ASERVIC’s) 2017 Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body: A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Perspectives and Practices in Counseling.
Dr. Holden currently serves as President of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and since 2008 she has served as editor-in-chief of that association’s peer-reviewed scholarly Journal of Near-Death Studies. For her outstanding and sustained contributions to scholarly-creative activity, teaching, and service, she received the UNT Foundation’s 2019 Eminent Faculty Award. Today, Dr. Holden continues her role as a researcher, President of IANDS, Journal editor, graduate counseling adjunct instructor, and other scholarly activities. Through her various research endeavors, she often collaborates with Dr. Bruce Greyson, who is the leading scholar in the field of near-death studies.
Near Death Experiences
After Death Communication