In this video, Eckhart discusses our primary purpose – to awaken into the new consciousness that is evolving on the planet – and how this process of awakening comes down to making daily life your continual practice. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hearContinue Reading

The ability to observe non-judgmentally what goes on inside you depends on your level of awareness. In this video, Eckhart discusses our primary purpose – to awaken into the new consciousness that is evolving on the planet – and how this process of awakening comes down to making daily lifeContinue Reading

Are you critical of your appearance? In this video, Eckhart discusses the value of physical appearance, youth, and learning to identify with your presence as years go by. Old age may bring changes in your physical body, but learning to see the different kind of beauty that shines through isContinue Reading

Eckhart shares the power of contemplating the ordinary moments of everyday life. By bringing consciousness to the small moments that often seem insignificant, we bring awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment to all forms of the present moment. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear moreContinue Reading

Eckhart recommends practicing Presence in small moments throughout the day. He suggests a few simple practices, including starting meetings with 30 seconds of stillness and cultivating awareness of background alertness during conversations. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? BecomeContinue Reading