Eckhart shares his thoughts on the quote "Life without love is no life at all." Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! Did you find this short preview videoContinue Reading

In this video, Eckhart is asked the question "How can I decide who is to be my partner?" by the audience, so he explains how unconditional love and physical attraction aren’t incompatible. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? BecomeContinue Reading

When asked about the subject of dealing with betrayal, Eckhart shares that we should be careful with the stories our mind creates. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! Reading

Eckhart shares his teachings to cultivate enlightened relationships and says that each of our relationships—from the brief interaction with the barista to our bonds with lifelong partners or family members—reflect back to us our predominant state of consciousness. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch andContinue Reading

For those of us who struggle with boundaries, Eckhart shares guidance in stating "a conscious no" from a place of non-resistance. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! DidContinue Reading

In this video, Eckhart talks about how the pain body can get in the way of our relationships, how we can recognize it, and the importance of cultivating a conscious relationship. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become aContinue Reading

In this video, Eckhart describes the art of remaining alert when in dialogue. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! Did you find this short preview video helpful? DoContinue Reading

Eckhart admits that before his awakening experience, he often felt as if he was separated from the rest of humanity. However, there are always chances to deeply connect with others, especially when you are in a space with fellow spiritual seekers. He also gives a gentle warning not to becomeContinue Reading

The Pain-Body can bring suffering to relationships, any kind of relationship in our life. Eckhart shares how most human unhappiness comes from relationships with other humans, and shares tips on how to navigate them. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart'sContinue Reading