Eckhart explains the journey towards attaining inner stillness and the ability to shift focus away from one's thoughts, allowing one to fully embrace and be happy with the present moment. In this thoughtful answer to a viewer's question, Eckhart reminds us of what he calls the most important spiritual practice:Continue Reading

In this video, Eckhart answers a question about "ego vs. altruism." How do we know if our desires can hurt someone else? Whatever your course of action, do it with presence. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Enroll in the School of Awakening: Want to watch andContinue Reading

Learn more about the 2022 Conscious Manifestation Course: An 8-week online course to fulfill your highest purpose & create from the fullness of being. The course begins February 28th. Enrollment open for a limited time: In this exclusive Q&A video from the 2020 Conscious Manifestation course, Eckhart explains theContinue Reading

Eckhart recommends giving children your fullest attention whenever possible, making a connection on the level of Being rather than focusing on our goals and to-do’s. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growingContinue Reading