Eckhart shares that there are many different types of love. When we begin to awaken, our experience of love changes. We may form emotional bonds with others as one form of love, but the other, deeper dimension of love is the recognition of the Presence within another as being theContinue Reading

In this video, Eckhart is asked if it is possible to have a relationship with a non-spiritual partner, and he describes that our ability to relate peacefully with an unconscious partner depends greatly on the level of their unconsciousness and how it manifests. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life:Continue Reading

In this video, Eckhart is asked the question "How can I decide who is to be my partner?" by the audience, so he explains how unconditional love and physical attraction aren’t incompatible. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? BecomeContinue Reading

When asked about the subject of dealing with betrayal, Eckhart shares that we should be careful with the stories our mind creates. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! Reading

Eckhart shares his teachings to cultivate enlightened relationships and says that each of our relationships—from the brief interaction with the barista to our bonds with lifelong partners or family members—reflect back to us our predominant state of consciousness. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch andContinue Reading

For those of us who struggle with boundaries, Eckhart shares guidance in stating "a conscious no" from a place of non-resistance. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! DidContinue Reading