Updated: January 12, 2025
Hello, my friends. So today I had the impulse
this morning to go to the artificial intelligence
platforms that have been including Chat GPT, Bing, and the new one, Google Bard and ask them a question. And the question
was simply this: We know that quantum entanglement exists
for particles. Two particles separated across enormous distances are entangled, that their behavior is entangled at spin, charge, etc.. So if you measure one, say, in New York and then if you measure
the other one, say, in Los Angeles.
Of course, that experiment,
it hasn't been done. There have been experiments at the Hadron Collider, which are, you know, across less distances, but if you measure one, the other gets measured
automatically and their activities correlated or entangled. And this correlation is unmediated, which means there's no signal to create the correlation. That's
why Einstein referred to it as "spooky" action
at a distance. So there's no signal. It's without signal,
which means it's un-mediated.
It's also unmitigated. Unmitigated means that the robustness, the
strength of the correlation does not diminish with distance in space does not diminish. And therefore, it's
also instantaneous. So remember those three words unmediated, unmitigated and instantaneous. And that is now
well-established. In fact, last year's Nobel Prize in physics
went to a scientists who clearly proved
that quantum entanglement for particles is real, across space. So I went on the ai platforms. I said, since quantum
entanglement exists for particles across space, does it also exist for events across time? And so let me read you
the first response which I got actually from from Google Bard. Quantum entanglement does exist across space,
and there is some evidence to suggest that
it may also exist around time. In 2013, a team of physicists at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem reported that they had successfully
entangled photons that never coexisted, never coexisted, which means could exist in the future.
That never coexisted. This means that
the two photons were entangled in a way that their states
were correlated, even even though they were created
at different times. This finding has led
some physicists to suggest that quantum entanglement
may be a property, a fundamental property
of the universe, and that it may even be
responsible for the passage of time. I would change that:
responsible for the experience of the passage of time. However, and this is always
the usual caveat. More research is needed
to confirm this hypothesis. Here are
some of the experiments that have been done to test
the existence of quantum entanglement across time. In 2011, the team of physicists at the University
of California, Berkeley, created
a pair of entangled photons and then delayed
the measurement of one of the photons. They found that
the measurement of the first photon
still affected the state of the second photon,
even though the second photon had already been created
and measured. In 2013,
the team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem created
a pair of entangled photons and then destroyed
one of the photons. They found
that the destruction of the first photons still affected the state
of the second photon, even though the second photon was still in existence.
These experiments
provide strong evidence that quantum entanglement may exist across time. However, more research is needed to fully understand
this phenomenon. Here are some of the
implications of quantum entanglement
across time. It could allow us to send
information back in time. Now, that raises huge conundrums. It could help us to understand the nature of time itself. Illusion. It could lead to a new
to new ways of developing quantum computers and other
quantum technologies. The implications
of quantum entanglement across time are still being explored.
But this phenomenon
has the potential to revolutionize our
understanding of the universe. So that was Google Bard. And then I went to Bing,
which is Microsoft. And here's what it said. Quantum entanglement
does exist across space, and there is some evidence
to suggest that it may also exist across time. Repeat the same thing. In 2013, a team of physicists at the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem reported that they had successfully
entangled photons that never coexisted. This means that
the two photons were entangled in a way that they states
were correlated, even though they were created
at different times. This finding has led
some quantum physicists to suggest
that quantum entanglement may be a fundamental property
of the universe. That may even be responsible for the passage of time.
And then it repeats more or less
what the other thing said. But let me see
if I have more information from other sources here. Yeah. So, you know, the same thing was said by the other ai sources that I consulted. So basically everyone's saying that quantum entanglement of particles can exist instantaneously. Spooky action at a distance across space. But now it is also being suggested that events across time can also be correlated. So not only are particles correlated across space time, but so are events. And this leads
to a very interesting possibility. Quantum particles are actually spacetime events in consciousness.
I'll repeat
that Quantum particles are actually spacetime events
in consciousness because we experience them
in consciousness. All data, all measurement is experienced in consciousness. What else can we
experience anything else? So if past, present and future are correlated, and if particles
are spacetime, events, and if thought is nothing
other than memory, then all memories are quantum entangled and memory, of course, is also responsible
for imagination. In fact, imagination is memory projecting into the future. And therefore, imagination is entangled and correlated. Memory
is entangled and correlated. And before memory is actualized, because
even when you recognize, re cognize an electron, a Higgs boson, a particle,
a force field, whatever, you're actually reconstructing that experience from memory re cognition, re
cognizing the experience, re perceiving the experience,
recognizing the experience. And by the time you recognized it was already over, but it is correlated with future events and therefore, you know, let's see how we can explore
this more. Quantum events are space time events in consciousness. Quantum particles are spacetime events in consciousness. Memory is involved, memory is entangled across
space and time.
That means memory correlates past future and present
in the eternal now, and therefore all modified interpretations of this,
such as information. Information is entangled across
the universe. Energy is entangled across the universe, and matter is entangled
across the universe because matter is a perceptual activity
in consciousness. And it's a human construct in the mind for that changing perceptual activity across spacetime. So a fundamental reality is the entanglement of space, time, energy,
information and matter. Then fundamental reality is omnipresent everywhere. Omnipotent, omnipotent, the source of infinite energy, constantly
infinite everywhere, and omniscient. And this the the entanglement of information
across space time and that fundamental reality is consciousness. Your body mind
is part of the entanglement, and you are
neither the body mind. Now all these states of energy
information in matter which are modified
states of pure consciousness, which is fundamental reality, and that this quantum
reality is therefore in consciousness. Before a thought occurs
it exists in superposition
with all other thoughts. And as soon as it's actualized that's the kind
of a measurement these all these possibilities measured
into this particular thought.
But this particular thought is entangled with all possible
future thoughts and all thoughts in the past. And the appearance of this
thought is unpredictable. So it is determined by the uncertainty principle just like virtual particles, when measured, appear
instantly and disappear instantly, just like thoughts as determined by the uncertainty principle and the measurement is actually the actualization of the choice of a particular
thought as determined by the uncertainty principle. Creativity and imagination are quantum leaps because true creativity is a discontinuity, a particular context,
a particular meaning, a particular relationship,
a particular story, and then a new one with no algorithmic transition like Gödel's theorum. So my friends,
what I'm suggesting is fundamental
reality is quantum across the universe. It's the nature of mind, modified consciousness, and prior to measurement
or prior to experience, it exists as timeless reality, which is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.
And the most important point you are that I am, that the one awareness differentiating as all these expressions:
matter, energy, information, memory,
imagination and the constructs
that we call spacetime, energy,
information and matter. Bottom line,
you are a timeless, infinite being that is omnipresent,
omniscient and omnipotent. But as soon as we choose one reality, then we create the illusion
of that. As this theater of spacetime and causality. But ultimately, it's our projection. Think about this
because if you go in this direction,
then science needs a revision. Only quantum
consciousness can explain what I've just said. Now I know this will cause some people to snicker or ridicule what I've said.
Notwithstanding all of that,
I think if there are
any real objections to what I've said,
I would like to hear them. Okay. My friends all the best.💕.