Updated: January 28, 2025
In a previous video, I discussed
olfactory receptors that are present
in almost every tissue and organ
in our body. So let's look today at light receptors. So in our skin,
all over the body, there are two types
of light receptors: Melanopsin cells
and what are called intrinsically
photosensitive retinal ganglion
cells, frequently
referred to as "ipRGC". Melanopsin cells
help regulate our So could
circadian rhythms, you know, the cycle of
night/day, in tandem with the earth
rotating on its axis and this is… the circadian
rhythm is our internal clock
that controls our sleeping cycles and ipRGC helps us to adjust to those cycles. It adjusts
our pupils to changes in
light levels and they may also
play a role in mood and pain
perception. So mood,
the light of the sun and pain perception are entangled. Light
receptors are also found in the brain and there are several types of light receptors
in the brain, including the ipRGCs
that I mentioned. These receptors
are involved in a variety
of functions, including
sleep, mood and appetite
Then there are light receptors
in nerve endings. Light receptors
are also found in the nerve endings of some animals,
such as sharks. These receptors help the animals to detect changes in light levels,
which can then be used for navigation
and to find food. Other species
also have extra ocular
photoreceptors. For example,
some reptiles have light receptors
in their skin that help them
to regulate their body
temperature. Birds
have light receptors in the brain, and
these help the birds to navigate
during migration. Some fish have light
receptors in their stomachs
that help them to detect food. So all over
the place, the function
of extra ocular receptors varies depending
on the species.
In humans, they are primarily
involved in regulating our
circadian rhythms. However, they may
also play a role in other functions
such as mood, pain, perception
and sleep. In other species,
extra ocular photoreceptors
may be involved in a variety
of other functions, such as navigation,
feeding and temperature
regulation. Can I probably give you some more examples
of this? So in humans,
Melanopsin cells in the skin
help to regulate our circadian
rhythm. As I mentioned,
this is our circadian clock. In birds and sharks and basically every species, light regulates
biological function. So what is the point
of all this? The point is
that the sun, the moon, the stars, you, me, all living
forms on our planet. And of course
there's photosynthesis,
which basically through
quantum mechanics, and quantum
pathways, if there are any
multiple pathways, are responsible
for all of life on this planet. The photoreceptors
in plants. So the point of all
this is you, me,
all lifeforms, including animals
and plants, the sun, our moods, our sleeping cycles, And, you know,
sleeping cycles determine things
like ghrelin and other hormones, leptin that regulate
our appetite.
All that is
entangled. Now, the only way
that can happen is through
quantum biology, and in a way,
our biology, the biology
of other species, the sun, moon, stars and our moods and our appetite
and our thinking, are all entangled in a nonlocal domain of awareness. Now, if any of you
have objections to this,
please let me know. Particularly
if you're a scientist
or a biologist. I'd like… and a quantum physicist, what is
the objection? Is entanglement not an amazing
phenomenon that can only occur in a field
of awareness and our true
identity is therefore the field and the
knower of the field? And we're
exploring that now. If you want me to
explore it further, let me know. Thank you..