Eckhart shares that true meditation is not a technique and how over "doing" can lead to anxiety and depression. Subscribe to find greater fulfillment in life: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart's Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing YouTube community! Did you findContinue Reading

In this 10 minute guided meditation, Eckhart explores the transformative power of meditation and the essence of being. He explains that many people view meditation as just another obligation to add to their already crowded to-do list. However, he suggests that it's better to view meditation as a way toContinue Reading

In this week's guided meditation, Eckhart demonstrates how you can meditate anywhere, regardless of the distractions you may encounter. By watching this video, you can delve deeper into your thoughts, gaining awareness of their timing and context. Did you find this guided meditation helpful? Do you want more peace ofContinue Reading