The taste of entangled existence. Updated for 2024

Updated: August 3, 2024

In the
last few videos, I've been talking
about the different sensory organs and suggesting that the Senses project both the experience
of the body and the experience
of the world. Today, let me talk
a little bit about the experience
of taste. Human beings have taste receptors in their soft
palate, in their esophagus, in their stomach, in their small intestine, in the large
intestine, in the pancreas
and the lungs, in the bladder, and
even in the sperm. Taste receptors
in these locations are thought to play a role in regulating
digestion, metabolism
and other bodily functions. For example, sweet
taste receptors in the gut
are thought to help regulate blood
sugar levels. Other species
also have locations
of receptors in different parts
of their body. Cats, snakes, bats,
all of them different parts
of their bodies. So why do we have taste receptors
in every location
that has been studied or almost
several locations in any location? And why do other species also have that in
different locations? So I can think of
only one reason, and that is that
messenger molecules and receptors could be considered
complementary aspects
of awareness.

Messenger molecules
are chemicals that are or you can
say earth element that are released
by one cell and travel
to another cell to deliver
a message. Receptors
are proteins on the surface
of cells and trigger a response inside
the cell. Awareness
is the ability to be conscious
of oneself and one's
surroundings. It's a complex
process that involves many different parts
of the brain. So one thing,
one way to think about
the relationship between messenger
molecules, receptors and awareness is that messenger
molecules are the signals
that tell our brains about the world
around us. And receptors
are the receivers that pick up
these signals and send them
to the appropriate parts of our brains
to be processed.

Okay, that's a pretty good scientific
explanation, but doesn't
go all the way. And I'll address
this future. In future. Awareness
is the common ground of all experience,
in all species. And in all species,
all experience is through
the five elements, all the five
elements: space, air, fire,
water, earth. There are receptors to these
experiences, the five elements
of creation. The Earth element,
of course, contains all the previous
elements: air, fire, water, etc. space,
which are matter or considered
to be matter in this vacuum state,
gaseous state, transformative
state, liquid state
and solid state. So our senses and the receptors
are entangled, they're
complementary, as in all other
species. In other words, the biological
organism and its so-called
environment are entangled. But that's still a
dualistic view. If we understand
awareness is the common ground
of all experience, then all these modes of knowing
and experience, because sensations
are modes of knowing and experience,
all the sensations: sound, touch,
sight, taste and smell; are modes
of knowing. It is through
this experience that a biological
organism and its so-called
environment are entangled
in a single field. And not only
in a single field, but that single
field also is the common ground
of all experience in other species.

So one way to think
of taste is taste allows us to experience
the entanglement of all experience in a field that is common to all species,
and that field is awareness, knowing itself
as a subject, an object
of experience. Where in reality there is only one
field of awareness differentiating
into different modes of knowing, different knowers
and different things known through this
artificial subject-object
split, which creates the play of the
universe, the taste of entangled experience,
the taste of entangled reality. The taste of entangled existence..

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