What are the three minds? Updated for 2024

Updated: September 5, 2024

mind is karma, samskara and vasana. The entangled mind is synchronicity,
meaningful coincidence, and spontaneous
fulfillment of desire. The free mind is spontaneous
creativity and liberation from all suffering. So let's go
over these three ideas and then see
what's the best way to free ourselves of conditioned mind, centuries
of conditioning, million millennia
of conditioning. And conditioning simply means
the modification of consciousness
into predictable patterns of thought, feeling, behavior, speech, habits. So this is a recycling of experience and
the interpretation of experience. Forget about all
those ideas, like good actions will
create good results. And you know, even if you free
yourself from karma, you free yourself
from the cycle of rebirth, etc. For now, although those are profound
ideas, they're are
also arcane and not easy
to understand. So just think of karma is past
experience and interpretation
of experience. But now, because of epigenetics,
we know and genetics that genetics
and epigenetics are the symbolic representation
of experience and interpretation
of experience.

And therefore
our body, this physical body
is a projection of the conditioned
mind of karma. And karma
leads to samskara. Samskara
means the residue of the memory
of the experience. And samskara leads to vasana,
which means habits, tendencies,
personalities which recycle
as the karmic body, this body. Karma. And the karma runs
deep. It's not personal,
only, it's collective. And it goes back to the dawn
of history. See your body, the human body, and all the bodies,
by the way, are the recycling
of experience in consciousness. And we don't see
most of that consciousness because it is in the sub-manifest
order of being. Only we see symbolic
representations of that which
is this body mind and how it behaves and how it thinks and how it moves in the world of spacetime
and causality. So karma also indicates causality. And you know, in a way
it's analogous to the classical
world of physics.

Okay, so what is the
entangled mind? The entangled mind is a little bit
deeper. It is a mind that is expressed
through non-local correlation
or synchronicity. It is a deeper
knowing in this sub manifest order
being also that that we are
all entangled with each other. There's non-local
correlation. We experience it through synchronicity,
as I said, spontaneous fulfillment
of desire, meaningful
coincidences. And it is also
an expression of the sub-manifest
order of being. Our collective desires, our
collective fears, but also our collective
archetypes, and, our collective
aspirations, our collective
longings, all of which influence
the ecosystem of relationship. Okay. And then there's
the free mind which goes beyond
all of this. The free mind
is the source of all experience, without any
conditioning, even before
the entanglement. And this source
of experience, as I have said, is always a field of infinite possibilities,
a field of unpredictability connected to the uncertainty
principle, a field of pure
creativity, a field of pure
evolution, a field of pure
self-regulation. That field,
which is without cause, spaceless, timeless, incomprehensible, unimaginable, fundamental,
infinite, borderless
and fundamental.

Three minds:
conditioned mind, entangled mind and free mind. Now, the conditioned mind can be overcome through conscious
choice-making. And so before
you make any choice, ask yourself
the consequences of the choice. There's
much more to it, but now I'm told that more than 10 minutes
and I can't post on Instagram
and or Facebook. Okay, so
how do you overcome the conditioned
mind through conscious choice
making? Always stop before
you make a decision. Press the pause button, ask yourself
the consequences, and choose
consciously. Entangled
mind is cultivated through empathy,
feeling what others feel, compassion, equanimity, love in action, joy and just
relationship through attention,
affection, appreciation
and acceptance. And then there is
the free mind, which is revealed through shruti
and smriti. Shruti is
the reveal knowledge usually referred to
as the "vedas", it is considered to be of divine origin
and said to be authorless. How can you get
Shruti? The best way
to think of should is, "that
which is heard." So it's revelation.

Revelation and it is
spontaneous. It's also
spontaneous creativity. And there's another
word, smriti. Smriti is the remembered knowledge
of the Vedas, it is considered
to be the work of human beings
and attributed to, say, the authors
of the Upanishads. In the historical
tradition, Puranas are stories about gods
and goddesses that actually
symbolically represent
the entangled mind. The Upanishads are
philosophical texts that explored the nature of reality
and the self. But even without access
to the Puranas, which are very inspiring,
and the Upanishads, which I am helping
translate here for you, but
you can study them, they give us
the techniques to go beyond both
conditioned mind and the entangled
mind. If you want to. Spontaneous
creativity, spontaneous
evolution and freedom
from all suffering. This is a very brief
summary. As I said, I'm told
now we have time limitation
of 10 minutes… but shruti, that which is heard and what is heard? The source of all
the experience is revealed. And then smriti, that which is
remembered. We remember
the source of our existence. And in that
remembering of the source
of our existence, we discover
our divine self. Let me know
if this is useful.

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