Deepak Chopra presents An Awakened Life in Australia Updated for 2024

Updated: December 23, 2024

Every sensation:
color, shape form, sound, taste, texture. These are learned
phenomena. Do you like Chinese
food? Yeah. Especially
if you're Chinese. Okay? Some people dislike
it, right? Is it tasty? Is is
is not tasty? It's a learned
phenomenon. Everything
that you experience is a learned
phenomenon. It was made up. It's a story. Please listen
to my instructions very carefully. Because somebody will always
screw it up. But let's not try to screw this up,
Okay? So listen to my instructions
very carefully. I'm going to ask you
the same question. Are you finding this
interesting? But now, don't answer it, okay? I'm going to ask you the same question. Don't
answer it until I raise my hand. Everybody clear? You will not answer the question until
I raise my hand. Are you finding this
interesting? [audience] Yes! The question
is a thought. The answer
is a thought. In between
is your spirit.

Just remember this. Now, we'll get there
hopefully by the end
of this evening. We make up that we try to, in your mind,
today, decide that you're going
to think of the body as a field
of awareness. just whether
you understand that and not make that choice,
if you want to. Okay,
so the first thing is to understand that the body is a
field of awareness. The second is to shift our identity
to our spirit, which is again,
the same thing as awareness.

But with
understanding that our spirit does
not exist in time..

As found on YouTube

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