Quantum Body – The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life Updated for 2024

Updated: December 25, 2024

Hello, my friends. I'm delighted to share with you a new book
that's coming out the end
of this year, but you can preorder
it right now. And it's
called Quantum Body and it's about
the new science of living a longer,
healthier, and more vital life. Quantum Body, and my two coauthors are Jack Tuszynski, who's a professor
of quantum physics, and Brian Fertig, who, like me, is
an endocrinologist and a specialist
in endocrinology and metabolism. And so very delighted
to share with you, Quantum Body, and why
we wrote this book. So before I share a little bit about quantum
consciousness, quantum
mind, quantum body, quantum

And I also would like to say that this book will probably be very appealing
to laypeople and also to those
who are interested in quantum
consciousness. But there
are many mainstream scientists
who will be annoyed by this book, and they have been annoyed
by my previous book, Quantum Healing and mainstream
science And many scientists
in mainstream, they roll up
their eyes when we speak
about quantum consciousness, or
when we speak about, you know,
quantum mind or quantum body
or quantum healing. And a lot of them
roll their eyes up because they think that is infringing
on their territory. And non physicists have no business talking about quantum mechanics,
and especially the quantum
mysticism, as they call it, when we refer
to quantum mind, quantum body or quantum universe. So here is why we think,
including my coauthors
physicists and biologists, why we think that
actually the quantum model
for mind and body is probably
the best model. Number one, the ground state
of all existence is the superposition
of possibilities that everyone
agrees, Right? Quantum mechanics is that
the ground state could be
something called the quantum vacuum, where there are basically
virtual particles that are
appearing in and out,
and temporary appearance
of virtual particles as the as determined
by the uncertainty

And that's exactly how consciousness
operates. Your thoughts are
clouds of entangled possibilities
before one of them manifests
as determined by the uncertainty
principle, which is past experience or what
I call karma. So the body
functions because of memory and that memory,
this body is the place that our memories call home
for the time being. And these memories exist
as possibilities till they're
actualized. Otherwise they remain un manifest, just like all the particles remain entangled
as possibilities till one manifests upon measurement. Secondly,
all our perceptual activities,
all our sensations, all our images,
all our feelings, all our thoughts
are actually qualia that exists
in entanglement, just like all particles exist
in entanglement. So as soon as I see
let's say I say the word "mother",
that's a thought.

But then it's also
an emotion. It could also be an image in your
consciousness, a feeling, and the whole story
that emerges as soon as that one word is uttered. So all your sensations, images,
feelings, thoughts, are qualities
of awareness, which are
actually quantum because they're
qualia, they appear and disappear,
just like particles. And so also when
we look at studies like synesthesia,
we can see there's overlap of senses. And all the senses
are sensory information is
quantum in nature. The appearance of thoughts,
sensations, perceptions,
feelings follows some kind of
intentionality, some kind of desire to measure
and experience. And as I said,
that is determined by the uncertainty principle, much like Schrödinger's
wave equation.

And then also modes
of knowing on human observation
determine what we will see. Is this a wave? Is
this is a particle? You do a wave-like
experiment, you get a wave-like
answer. Do a particle-like experiment.,
you get a particle-like
answer. And before that they
are both the same. So Schrodinger's
equation is actually
describing the statistical
likelihood of spacetime events
in consciousness upon either a conscious
intention or unconscious
intention. So furthermore,
all quantum fluctuations occur
as spacetime events in our
consciousness, as sensations, images,
feelings, thoughts. So mind is quantum, consciousness
is quantum and the body
that we experience the physical body, the changing
physical body that we experience
is also a continuum of sensations,
images, feelings and thoughts,
and therefore quantum in nature.

Now, if you think this is reasonable,
then you will see that actually our whole scientific worldview
needs to be revised. The current
scientific worldview is reductionist. Large problems are divided
into smaller, more manageable
pieces. Even quantum
mechanics is like that. And there's
an assumption that the finer
the granularity, the closer
a solution comes to knowing
reality. And the basic
methodology in science consists
of therefore gathering data and the assumption
that any phenomenon can be broken down
into information, measurement and data
collection. By the way, information
is memory. So as soon as I give you information,
I love you. You have cancer. The stock
market fell and you lost
all your money. You're the most
wonderful person I've met. So just that
information on or you perceive it
as information. But I give that
to you because of memory
that immediately changes
your metabolism. So your metabolism
must be at a quantum level. I remember once
telling a patient by mistake
that he had cancer and I could see his metabolism
changed instantly.

And then a few minutes later I said, I'm sorry,
that was a mistake. That was somebody
else. And his metabolism
changed instantly. So metabolism is instantly influenced
by information. And information is a derivative
of memory. So the
problem with current science, of course,
is that the primary state of reality is assumed
to be physical and material matter
first is the ontological
primitive, and due
to the failure of naive realism, now advanced
theories in physics are increasingly
mathematical models without reference
to collectible, empirical evidence. This is very
important to understand that a lot of modern
theories, string theory,
multiverse, purely mathematical,
with no possibility of collectible, empirical evidence. And because these
theories are based on naive realism, which has
many objections and I'll share with
you a few of them. Furthermore,
you know, if we really
look at reality and it's
very difficult to reduce it
to parts.

Let me quote a few who quantum
physicists. Here is something from Erwin
Schrödinger: Consciousness
cannot be subdivided or reduced
to component parts. This is
Erwin Schrödinger. To divide or multiply
consciousness in something
meaningless. So consciousness, being immaterial,
has no granularity and indeed
no dimensionality. In itself,
consciousness contains
no information, although the
activity of consciousness
produces experience, the level at which
data, measurement, information
actually begin. So matter first as the ontological
primitive. The physicalism of
science is unworkable. There's no point
in which time and space,
no point in time and space,
in which atoms and molecules
learn to think. So ultimately,
consciousness is its own ontological
primitive. I quote from Max
Planck, who said, "I regard matter as derivative
from consciousness. We cannot get behind
consciousness." Also, think about this
Mathematics cannot model
consciousness either
through complexity or abstraction,
because experience is untranslatable
into equations. You can't put
experience into equations. So once you examined
the fundamental assumptions
of science, you realized that naive realism
is a good model for creating
technology, but it's not really a model
for exploring truth.

The physical
sciences are very successful in creating
technology, but they cannot
access fundamental reality
because what we call "matter" is a name given to
a species-specific perceptual activity. We only observe
our perceptions. And I quote here,
Sir John Eccles who said, "We are almost
like magicians in that in the very
act of perception, we take quantum soup and convert it into
the experience of so-called
material reality. The universe itself is an observed
perception. There's no objective place
to stand from, from where it can be
proven to be real, in the absence
of observation. Matter itself
is in an assumption of naive realism, which quantum
physics overturned more
than a century ago." I quote Werner
Heisenberg, who said The atoms or elementary
particles themselves
are not real.

They form a world
of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of
things. Here's another quote We live
in a participatory universe
that responds not just to quantum
measurement and the observer
effect, but to human
experience directly. Werner Heisenberg What we observe is
not nature itself, but nature
exposed to our method
of questioning. So being
participatory, the universe
or reality that we think is out there is seamlessly woven into human
awareness. There is no
subject-object split. Like the probability
waves of quantum mechanics, subject and object exists
in superposition until the instant
of perception causes them
to emerge simultaneously in every observation,
observer and observed emerge

And finally,
consciousness is whole,
all enveloping and inconceivable, even though everything
we conceive emerges from it. Max Planck, I'll quote him now, Science
cannot solve the ultimate
mystery of nature, and that is because in the last
analysis, we ourselves
are part of nature and therefore
part of the mystery that we're
trying to solve. So a lot of
these questions are addressed
in Quantum Body, along with various exercises,
reflections and meditations and insights
into longevity, healthspan
and healing. I hope you will
consider reading the book,
pre-ordering it, and sharing
your views and your feedback
with me.

you, my friends.

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