Updated: December 31, 2024
hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome to Spring Forest Qigong every day
we're getting things set up here so you can get yourself ready getting
a glass of water getting settled in allowing yourself to get ready and prepare
for our practice relaxing into those practice and we'll be going in just a minute here
and I'm so pleased to be here with everybody it's a beautiful beautiful day
it's always a beautiful day and welcome welcome thank you for joining me
for Spring Forest Qigong every day it's an honor and always a pleasure to be here with everyone
and just the most amazing Spring Forest Qigong community that we have I feel so blessed to be
part of it um and I'll be looking at everyone's comments later if you want to put a healing story
in or just say hello say where you're coming from it's always fun to find out where everybody's
coming from and I'm in Southern California I'm Sarah Adams Mar Dumas and I'm a Spring Forest
Qigong practice group leader and level one trainer and I have classes just about every month and
my next one's in September so you're welcome to check the spring course Qigong website or go to
marvelouslife.com that's marvelous life with two r's here two r's marvelouslife.com and for any
classes or healing so um it's just wonderful to be here with everyone we just wrote out a storm
the first tropical storm in Southern California and an earthquake so it's been very adventuresome
and exciting here but we're here and safe and everything's okay and that's the main thing and
what do you do when there's a tropical storm for the first time ever in an earthquake well first
you prepare while getting lots of water light candles all these things food right and then you
do what you're going so maybe we just rocked the world too hard with the Qigong here so what
I'd like to do today is the five elements so masterlin is always telling us and created the
five elements to support all of our body those five beautiful main organs the liver the heart
the stomach spleen Energy System the lungs the kidneys and it's a whole beautiful cycle right um
we can it's important to know that it's a holistic practice so maybe we're having problems with our
kidneys and maybe we want to give them a little extra love but we got to remember all of the
Five Element organs we want them to be healthy because if we're loving the kidneys and then
the liver becomes unhealthy that's not going to help our body by doing the five elements
we're naturally taking care of our body and healing our body keeping our body healthy I
know for me I feel a lot more energy I feel more alive when I'm doing my five elements
every day so why don't we get started here we go so why don't we get started with bouncing and we can our feet so my feet are shoulder width
apart here and my knees are gently bouncing I'm just gently bouncing here my shoulders are
nice and relaxed my arms are to my side then what I like to do is close my eyes when
I'm bouncing and really feel into this practice I like to feel the chi coming alive and
my body and I think of it as sparkles I see myself sparkling and I feel the sparkle
inside and when I bounce what I like to do is imagine everything I don't need is falling
away and remember it's not good or bad we're just simply letting go of it so maybe there's anxiety
or stress depression anger fear hatred we can just let this bounce to the Earth and the mother earth
she compost this for transformation to be used for something else just like we do in the garden
we compost the actual vegetables and fruits and we put that in the garden for nourishment a new
translator and that's what we're doing here when we Bounce It Off we can put our hands over our
head you can put them halfway if that feels more comfortable or leave them down to the side and
notice my hands are gently going up and down they're relaxed so we're opening up channels at
our rest and she'll even if you're imagining your arms are over your head feel your lungs opening
the stomach spleen underneath your arms feel that openness as your arms are over your head remember
you're doing something beautiful and wonderful for yourself I like to really feel into that and
smile to myself but I'm taking care of myself and as I smile I feel that love inside
of me those endorphins filling my body healing me more we can take
that smile to the world smiling through stress even or fear and anxiety
we can bring that smile and open our hearts blow it in our hands downwards slowly and
gently to the side now we can twist side to side I like to tap my lungs and my kidneys when
I go side to side but you don't have to I just like to do that and we're opening
our spine on our hips and when we balance we're strengthening our bones lubricating
our ligaments our joints it's so powerful now underneath the eyes we're tapping just beneath
our pupils and there's a bone underneath there tapping that bone opening the stomach Energy
System beginning of the eyebrows opening the bladder channels we're preparing our body for our
practice just to get the most out of our practice like when we stretch before we work out cupping
our hand like we're holding water top of the head one two three four five six seven eight
nine base of the head cupping our hand one two three four five six seven eight nine
and let's open that C7 so if we Bend our head forward just a little bit there's a big bump at
the top of our spine a big bump there and we can massage it in a circular way back and forth we're
opening the super highway from our body to our brain and our brain to our body we have a lot of
Lanes on this freeway and our head and our body and it gets a little congested we can do this
at any time of day this is great for infection healing colds so many wonderful things cupping our
hand inside our left arm one two three four five six seven eight nine right side one two three four
five six seven eight nine underneath the left arm one two three four five six seven eight nine right
side one two three four five six seven eight nine interlacing our fingers and I like to call this
loving my digestion and we're going right up left down right up left down right up left down now
this is wonderful for our digestion also we're brain our bladder our longevity masterlin
suggests doing 300 and even better 600 a day and I'm at 710 711 loving that digestion
it's a good thing loving digestion and a gentle fist popping through our
tailbone tailbone and lower back here another great thing for our brain which is a
gateway to our Vitality our Vitality is our kidney Energy System very powerful tapping the tailbone
thumbs in our fists and we have dimples here one two three four five six seven eight nine and
let's clap our hands for ourselves each other and our hearts one two three four five six seven eight
nine and we can go on our toes now you don't have to put your arms in the air you can even hold a
chair or a couch if you want to and I'm just going up on my toes and dropping down one two three four
five six seven eight nine and cupping our hands here and getting our knees so I'm at the top of
my knees one two three four five six seven eight nine back of the knees one two three four five six
seven eight nine last name one two three four five six seven eight nine right knee one two three
four five six seven eight nine beautiful okay now we're ready for our beautiful five
elements practice feet are shoulder width apart my toes are gently very gently gripping the ground
and let's scan up and go to our knees and if we're standing there's slightly bent remember
you can do the standing sitting lying down and if you start out standing and you need
to sit or lie down you can finish in that way as we scan our body and we're
standing our knees are slightly bent moving up through our hips becoming very present
in our bodies here moving through our torso our shoulders are relaxed arms rounded to the side
Palms facing behind my fingers are open and a little curve like I'm holding a small ball
moving through our neck to the top of our head there's a golden string or a String of
Pearls gently pulling our head up straight shading our spine and our neck tongue of
the roof of the mouth just behind our teeth and a nice gentle smile we can inhale and exhale
out our nose if that feels comfortable to us today otherwise breathing in a way that's most
comfortable and see behind your navel or feel it a dim light with Mists in your lower Dan
Tien which is right behind your navel and a light in the sky your beloved Master coming
to join you and support you for your practice and your Masters anyone or anything that you
completely trust was pure High vibration loving energy could be Kwan Yin could be your God could
be masterlin unconditional love Divinity Mother Earth Mother Teresa so let's merge with our
Master by saying something like beloved master thank you for joining me for my Qigong
practice today for opening all my energy channels to raise my vibration completely
healing my body my spirit my mind my emotions so I enjoy perfect health Vitality peace joy
prosperity wisdom and I thrive in every aspect of my life and we can bring others in that maybe
need extra special care and we can see them here vibrant glowing healed healthy bringing in our
pets on our beautiful planet and all beings so let's take a quiet moment and set
that powerful intention for our practice and remember you can say I want to heal my
knee or I want to heal this disease in my body let's thank our Master knowing it's already
happening and the Spring Forest Qigong password I am in the universe let's breathe that in the universe is in my body feel that powerful
merging the universe and I combined together and there's a column of light inside your body
from the top of your head to the bottom of your torso and that light could be green maybe it's
rainbow colors right hand over a heart center left hand over the lower Duncan the navel
fingers open we're not touching our body right elbow upward left elbow downward I want
our right hand gets to our face we can bring our right elbow downward and our left elbow
upward with the left hand inside the right hand and it's a gentle slow Movement we might
even slow it down a little bit more here knowing that Master Lynn we'll do this
and in 29 minutes we'll do one repetition this more slowly we move the more powerfully I
practice works for us moving the yin and yang to balance our liver Energy System and I like
to go deep within and feel all the channels open open open [Music] I imagine it like water
clear clear water flowing through my body a dam is removed and that clear water opens
up gently and moves easily in my body and I like to feel into that during my practice and
that knowingness that what I'm doing is working there's no right or wrong we know
that it's working we can let go we can let our master and the password
support us and we can let ourselves go away to what we call the emptiness wherever all
the Healing Begins allowing it in our bodies allowing our bodies to heal themselves our
bodies already know how to heal themselves and we're helping with our practice tools let's
inhale in green light through all pores of our skin feel the coming in moving through your
body to your lower Duncan behind your navel and let's exhale out the excess energy and it's butterflies flying taking the
success energy to the ends of the universe ladies when your right hand gets to your lower Dan
Tien we can pause there gentlemen when your left hand gets to your lower Dan Tien pausing there
and bring your opposite hands to the outside and we're not touching our body and the hands
aren't touching take a moment several gentle deep breaths see that dim light with the Mist
behind your navel and your lower dungeon inhaling in elbows opening gently slowly exhale elbows
coming in nice and gentle breathing the universe to balance the heart to Energy System you feel that gentle movement you can bend
your legs gently or deeply if you're standing and you don't have to do that you can keep
your knees loose more quickly activated to Chi foreign in my body my fingers my hands
or maybe the Heat or the coldness knowing that any blockages that are there are
opening opening opening what a beautiful thing unless inhale and red light filled
with joy through all pores of our skin filling us up from head to
toe going to the Lord until exhale out and the excess energy turns into
dragonflies flying to the ends of the universe remember it's only excess energy it's not good or
bad it might come in the form of pain or illness or excess emotion like fear anxiety depression
grief anger hatred they're not good or bad there's simply too much and it's time to let them go and
we can bless them and love them and let them go floating our hands downwards slowly and gently
to the sides raising our arms over our head to connect Heaven and Earth balancing
our stomachs spleen Energy System at any time during this practice you can
bring your arms halfway or down to the side and imagine you're holding that big beach
ball if it feels comfortable you can deeply or gently bend your knees if you're
standing otherwise keeping your knees loose feel your feet go nine feet deep into the Earth
feel that powerful Earthly energy the connection at the bottom of your feet as it comes in
moving through your ankles and your legs grounding in every cell moving through your
torso into your stomach spleen Energy System through your shoulders and your shoulders relax
even more your arms to your fingertips and the top of your head feel that golden liquid light coming
into your fingertips in the top of your head moving through your body down your arms and your
torso feel the peace of that golden liquid light peace from the heavens feel into your cells
filling with this peace and golden liquid light anything you don't need is dissolved moving through your stomach spleen Energy System
your hips your legs into your feet and your toes and we can use the powerful energy
of our thoughts and our words and say I am filled with peace and groundedness
peace and groundedness are all around me let's inhale and Golden Light
through all pores of our skin moving through our body to our Lord [Music] let's
surrender the exhale and release what we don't need let the dragonflies and the butterflies
take it to the ends of the universe to compost float in our hands downwards
slowly and gently to the side gently touching our fingertips
in front of our Lord right foot out a little bit here inhaling in
leaning to the left and pausing for a moment exhale to the right connecting with our
bodies energy balance the lung Energy System and if you want to you can twist
your body but you don't have to and it's a gentle rocking swaying back and forth and I like to feel all the channels open
open open [Music] we bring in contentment it was very now moment I like to feel
contentment all of us practicing here together [Music] raising our vibrations
which raises the vibration of our home our neighborhoods our cities Town country
in the world I like to settle into my body and feel the contentment of that and
how wonderful it is to be here together knowing that all my channels are opening and
my practice is working for me what a blessing it's just a gentle rocking back and forth and
coming to Center and Stillness and pausing bringing our right foot in hands and prayer
posture gently touching our fingertips in the base of our palms and there's a lot of spot between
our hands connecting with our hearts energy balance the kidney Energy System we can bow
with the waste of the neck or dolphin the neck we don't have to to connect with our hearts energy
inhaling in and we can bow if we want to bow and I'm so thankful for spring forestry gone
Master Lynn Jackie wrong everyone at the center sharing their Brilliance their expertise
and all our love radiators around the world isn't that amazing exhales they
come up inhale bowing [Music] I'm so thankful for marvelous cheese Circle
self-care connections and joyful laughter this powerful community that love some supports
each other and the good times and the bad times I feel so blessed and honored to be a part
of it exhales make them up inhale bowing I'm so thankful to be here with
everyone today praising our vibrations raising the vibration of our planet healing
ourselves and each other exhales they come up I'm so thankful my kidney
Energy System detoxes fear and I'm thankful that I can bring in gratitude
to balance when there's too much fear cause I know fear isn't good or bad exhale as we
come up coming to Center and Stillness and pausing ladies your right hand over your lower dantian
with your left hand over your right hand gentlemen your left hand over your lower
dance yen your right hand over your left hand whatever way feels comfortable for you
today taking several gentle deep breaths see that dim light in your lower dantian behind
your navel start to spin really really fast getting smaller and smaller yet brighter
and brighter tucking way behind your navel you've nourished your lord on Tien you've
nourished your body mind spirit and soul let's breathe that in and own it and
rub our hands together Palm to Palm back and forth between our fingers
back and forth between our fingers beautiful harvesting that Chi a little soothing
after we come out of our beautiful meditation and we can massage our face by running our
fingers up our nose and around our face there's lots of energy points that go to
our body we can massage our face anytime and say I love my beautiful face and I want
to say I love all of your beautiful faces calming back our scalp front to back
front to back front to back front to back beautiful cupping our hands front to back I like
to love my genius brain loving that genius brain cupping the base of the head one two three
four five six seven eight nine massaging our ears pulling on the lobes massaging on
the ears pulling on the lobes beautiful and cupping inside our left arm inside outside
get the back of our hands inside outside hitting the back of our hands right side
Inside Outside Inside Outside beautiful and on the front down the front we're grounding
in the chi a beautiful activated she I like to see myself smiling this is the left side I'm cupping
down I like to see myself smiling this beautiful cells smiling we can do three six nine tapping
through our tailbone that gateway to vitality we can cup our kidney Energy System and massage
it with the back of our fists in the palms of our hands and if we can't reach we get as close as we
can and say I'm sending vibration and gratitude to my kidney Energy System all channels open
open and our hips one two three four five six seven eight nine and let's get those knees top of
the knees one two three four five six seven eight nine back of the knees one two three four five six
seven eight nine left knee one two three four five six seven eight nine lightning one two three four
five six seven eight nine thank you everybody for being here with me I'm Sarah Adams Mar Dumas and
it has truly been an honor and I'll see you soon